Creating Diverse Bookshelves
Writing and publishing books for all ages has always been a dream of mine. It began 25 years ago after taking a survey course about children's literature. That started my love affair with writing and nurtured my dreams of becoming a published author.
At that time, I was not yet a mother and I had very limited experience in the classroom yet I remember thinking where are the books that have characters that look like me, my friends and family? I knew that we needed opportunities to see more diverse characters telling their stories. With assistance from talented illustrators, I'm proud to say I have a shelf of illustrated children's books.

From Great Lakes
African American Writers Association
“When Dreams Come True”
By Felecia Goldsmith
Walt Disney once said, “All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Chante Thomas’s dreams have definitely come true. This Cleveland native has taught in the Shaker Heights school system for 28 years and is a published author. Her dream of writing and publishing books for all ages began after taking a survey course on children’s literature while pursuing her Master’s degree in Elementary Education at John Carroll University. That jump started her love affair with writing and her dreams of becoming a published author.